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Works of Mercy

Food Pantry

The Food Pantry provides assistance to those in need in the community by providing non-perishable food bags for individuals, food boxes for families, as siting with bill and rent, providing kerosene vouchers, etc. Outreach is coordinated with Catholic Charities and the Save-a-Smile program. The parish nurse assists with medical needs.
Carol Moeller | |  864.380.4155

Hospice Ministry

Hospice provides support, comfort and palliative care to those with a prognosis of six months or less.  In coordination with Open Arms Hospice this ministry serves hospice patients and their families in a variety of ways.  Volunteers assist with everyday tasks, run errands, provide care items, visit with patients, caregivers and families, and bring communion.  Hospice volunteers also serve as a link between at home hospice patients and Open Arms Hospice.  Please call or email for information, volunteer opportunities or to donate comfort bag items.
Susan Olson | | 864.228.9220

High School Ministry – PROPEL

PROPEL is designed to help struggling students, especially those who will attend Greenville Senior High Academty, to succeed academically and to graduate. Ninety-minute mentoring sessions, held every Wednesday afternoon, focus on team building, character development, the arts, academic support and monthly field trips to a variety of locations in our community. Students, parents and mentors sign contracts pledging their commitment to the program.
Jessie Bowens || 864.420.1985

Homebound Sick Ministry

This ministry is responsible for the communal contact of the gathered assembly around the Eucharist and Word to those parishioners who can not be present with us. The life of the mission and parish is brought to them.
Director of Volunteers | | 864.233.7717 x 8

Housing Initiative Ministry

This ministry works to provide affordable housing within the community which helps keep the poor from being pushed out by local “improvement efforts.” The faithful in this ministry help acquire ones, renovate and rebuild homes, and assist in maintaining the characteristics of the neighborhood. The Upstate Homeless Coalition helps to support families.
Allan Oliver | | 864.232.5899
Julia Mullen | | 864.242.4265

Just Faith

An educational program designed to help adults understand and participate in the peace and justice call of the Gospel.
Ken Christy | | 864.370.2943
Julia Mullen | | 864.242.4265

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s fraternal organization that was established on the ideas of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. The organization does a great deal of work in the community at-large. Membership in the organization is open to all Catholic men 18 years of age or older who are in full communion with the Catholic Church.
Grand Knight Richie Cortese | | 864.268.0007
Eric Bricco | | 864.884.2617

Knights of Peter Claver

This national Catholic fraternal organization is named for Peter Claver, a 16th century Jesuit priest who ministered for more than 40 years to the African slave opopulation in Cartagena Columbia. The organization is open to men, and it actively supports the apostolic mission of the Church through spiritual and corporal works of mercy, financial contribution to worthwhile causes, and the education and development of youth.
Paul Latimore | | 864.299.0847

Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary

The Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary continues the work of the patron saint, Fr. Peter Claver, with a strong commitment to the church, the organization and the community through service.
Betty Houston | | 864.275.5703

Meal Ministry

The purpose of the Meal Ministry is to let parishioners who would benefit tremendously from being thought of in a special way. This is done by relieving them of the task of meal planning and preparation. The thirty or so members of this ministry deliver home cooked meals to these parishioners until such time as our ministry is no longer needed.
Dona Lacher | | 864.354.0049

Prison Ministry

The mission of St. Anthony of Padua Prison Ministry is to maintain a physical presence with local prison to spread the Good News of the Love of Jesus Christ and his promise of salvation to all who call upon His name. Additionally, the ministry supports outreach programs such as Kairos, Goodwill Industries, half-way houses and worship services within local prisons. The ministry and outreach program benefit inmates both spiritually and financially.
Gwen Whitner | | 864.297-0123

Respect Life

This ministry is for the continued preservation of the unborn. Faithful in the ministry lead prayer prior to mass for the unborn. Volunteers are needed to lead prayer for each mass.
Director of Volunteers | | 864.233.7717 x 8

St. Ann’s Guild

The mission of St. Ann’s Guild is to welcome newborns to the St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church congregation, the Greenville Police Department and Furman University Catholic communities. In an effort to affirm sanctity of life, the St. Ann’s Guild welcomes newborn babies with a hand delivered blessing, and celebrates new life in our families and communities by taking Holy Communion to Catholic family members, along with a simple meal.
Director of Volunteers | | 864.233.7717 x 8

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